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My name is Jef (as many of you already know) and I run a small (but rapidly growing) guitar blog called Guitar Bomb.
I also write guitar news daily for and have a very long history of working with major guitar brands across the world.
When I started Guitar Bomb I wanted to promote as many small brands and guitar luthiers as I could, so that I could help spread the word about their work.
2023 was a pretty crazy year for me and so I took my foot off the accelerator with interviews, purely as time restraints and a big house move that took way too long!
This year I have moved Guitar Bomb into a proper building with dedicated offices and taken on some new staff writers, as we are growing rapidly. Therefore, I would love to help out some smaller businesses over the next year.
Below is an example of one such 'very popular' interview from a few years back that I have just pushed back up onto the site today.
We got to interview Seth Baccus the UK-based luthier a few years ago as part of our 'Meet the Maker' series. If you haven't had the chance, then make sure you check out his amazing work, as he has built some fabulous guitars.
As I am looking to interview some more small builders, and luthiers in 2024, I was hoping that if I posted here then it might catch the attention of some of these guitar companies. As you lot know some great industry people and some of you are instrument builders yourself.
I am not asking for anything other than your time so that I can write a detailed article about your work. Always happy to share any images, content, social media, and retail outlets that stock your instruments as well.
No money changes hands, I do not want your money, and I do not expect you to give us anything in return for promotion.
If you would like to get involved or know someone who might benefit from some free promotion for their small business, then feel free to get in touch. Ideally contact me via the site, as I sometimes miss messages on the forum, as I'm often pretty busy and cannot check in here 24/7.
Modmins, I'm hoping that this post does not 'go against any Rules' and if I have made a faux pas, then please message me directly and I will edit/delete this post.
Base theme by DesignModo & ported to Powered by Vanilla by Chris Ireland, modified by the "theFB" team.
If you or anyone else you know would like some free exposure for your guitar business, then please get in contact via the site.
I appreciate your help and to everyone who has reached out wanting to get involved, I'm looking forward to working with you in 2024.
Thanks again everyone
• Youtube -
(formerly customkits)
• Youtube -
This new one published today about Munson Guitars and it's a sweet read, some nice looking guitars and a bespoke service called Custom Guitar Experience
Again, if your business would like some free exposure, and you can spare some time to answer some questions, send us some cool photos of your work and give us all your contact info for customers. Then I can put your work in front of between 3-5k (growing each month) sets of eyes a day.
Guitar Bomb has a large UK and European following, plus a huge US readership, so if you want to drum up some new potential customers with an article all about your work, then please get in touch using the contact form in the previous post.
Thank you all for your input/help and suggestions. Please, keep them coming, as we want to give exposure to small businesses. It helps our site gain new readers and gives the businesses some free advertising, links, and content they can point their new and existing customers towards.
I'll be pushing some of the older Meet the Maker interviews up to the top of the site over the next week or two, so if you have already been involved, don't worry it is good solid content as our readers keep coming back for more.
Some of you may enjoy the read.
If anyone else would like to get involved, then please contact me as the NAMM craziness is over now so I have a few spare days this month.
If anyone here would like some free exposure for their guitar-related business, contact me here or via the site.
In the past, we have done a series where we talked with guitar luthiers/builders.
These have a high engagement level with readers, providing excellent free business exposure.
No money is involved; we will also let you review everything before it goes live so you can sign it off.
Ideally, we are looking for more guitar, amp, and pedal builders.
If you would like to get involved, contact me here or on our site's contact page.
Feel free to ask any questions, and I'll do my best to answer them.