How to use Pay Pal?

TanninTannin Frets: 6030
edited May 10 in Help & Feedback
I'm sure this is a dumb question which has been answered many times, but try as I might I cannot see any instructions for subscribing by PayPal. 

I have a vague memory of trying to do it once before but running up against a problem that had something to do with being located outside the UK. But whatever that was it was ages ago.

(PS: Patreon is no help because they STILL don't offer a once-a-year or lump sum option and once a month plays merry hell with accounts and bank statements.)

(PPS: I don't actually need a subscription, just a plain ordinary donation would be fine. (My browser blocks all the ads and I use my own image hosting.) I just want to give some money to The Fretboard because I love the place and want to do my bit to support it.)

(PPS: Or I can do a direct bank transfer if an admin PMs me with the details. That would save PayPal gouging extra fees.)
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