I thought I’d do a follow up to this thread
https://www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/267852/incoming-nacho-caster#latestMy Nachocaster arrived this morning, following customs payment. The guitar cost me £6,400 inc shipping and customs. The price of entry is not cheap.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q86c9usjedteov3dpheuh/IMG_2390.jpeg?rlkey=1pzsbcqvozmr60pz77wqln1bx&st=ghic4b2j&raw=1 Typical tweed case, some nice candy with a nacho t shirt, wax sealed certificate and candy, including original black guard orders from fender, receipts, letters to agents etc. Nice touch.
The guitar weighs a superb 6lbs 13 oz
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/74v3vnanoaridflqk66bp/IMG_2395.jpeg?rlkey=lhpq0hcg4sdp3h8afmimn9cvd&st=g77spf2g&raw=1 Ive only had it this morning since 8.45, so these are initial impressions only after 30 mins play because I’ve had work getting in the way of my new guitar!
The first thing to say is that this neither looks or feels like an aged Fender custom shop guitar. I’ve taken some side by sides:
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/z7nlrh75ijpket1yhwt6z/IMG_2391.jpeg?rlkey=ryo04myqiv05ir9bcq4yyn88g&st=8ob672t7&raw=1https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sx07e42kscrs39h1ipbjp/IMG_2392.jpeg?rlkey=xk32limes6cnbtaqlz3hnltoy&st=8y9rz0ee&raw=1 The ageing work is incomparable. It’s obvious much more time has been taken over the colour, the wear and thought about how vintage guitars wear. The back of the neck tells the story of a cowboy chord player and isn’t just sanded where fender feel like it. There is no bare wood, there’s lacquer all over, albeit worn, like an old guitar.
The neck nacho calls a soft v. It’s a pretty hard v, especially by the nut, softening to a more c shape towards the top. It’s more rudimentary and basic and feels nothing like the ridiculous u shaped neck fender use on nocasters. Honestly, it’ll take a little getting used to. It is large, but not unwieldy.
The frets are medium. Again, as an owner of lots of modern guitars, we’re putting bigger and bigger train tracks on. These aren’t teeny, but they’re different to what I normally have. There is more fight in the guitar and a slightly less smooth playing experience as a result. Not an issue, but different.
The pickups, he’s nailed. The star is actually the neck pickup, which can sound woolly, dull and just not nice on a modern tele. This is musical, flutey and takes drive well. Who needs a Strat with a neck pickup this good? The bridge is exactly what you’d expect - bright, twangy, growly. Classic early blackguard.
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Reading your comments the only issue that would make me nervous is the fret size - Not convinced that the 'fight' is what I'd want, but appreciate a matter of taste and maybe needing to spend some time with it - Agree we maybe going a bit OTT with frets to big - But to small is not familiar territory for me - I hope it isn't an issue for you
Thanks for the update - Enjoy spending more time with it
My favourite guitar currently is one that I initially wasn't too keen on the neck profile, but I liked the way the different feel changed the way I played. Now I love the neck profile.
Absolutely great description!
Happy new guitar day.
Agree with the other comment about CS looking MIM in comparison.
Enjoy in good health
I would have thought if it doesn’t you can just contact the guy and swap the neck for another profile.
I’m already there with it to be honest. I had a tiny bit of cramp initially which is unheard of for me, but it’s already had a few hours last night and today and it feels totally comfortable.