SCAMMER WARNING: Due to a spate of recent scam attempts (some successful) recently, if you're doing a deal in the classifieds, ONLY USE PAYPAL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS YOU KNOW THAT INDIVIDUAL PERSONALLY. It's really not worth saving a few quid.
1989 Gibson Les Paul Custom Left Handed SOLD
I took on a few guitars in trade against a high end vintage strat and since the current cash buyer market is pretty slow for high value stuff like that I have taken a punt or 2 and this is very much one of them.
I am sure it’s an amazing guitar but I don’t play left handed so I can’t attest to that lol. So I am hoping there is a south paw out there looking for a fantastic Les Paul Custom!!
Its in great all round condition, pickguard is in the case and I will throw in a set of strings given there are only 4 on there currently
Non original case
£3000 or trade for a right handed guitar of similar value
Now £2750
Now £2500 plus postage

Guitar Dept have now made 2 offers on this of descending value so I have decided to update the description accordingly:
♚EXQUISITE MINTY♚1989 Gibson LesPaulCustom♚100%♚EBONY♚£10k