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Has anyone experience the Keeley modded Rat II? I've been sent an offer on eBay for one and the demos seem interesting enough. Quite tempted by a Thorpy Multi-rat mod too - as would be fun to have the different flavours within the classic ProCo box. Argh!
Each of these definitely has a unique sound & I love them all for various reasons. The fun part is that the Mooer is by far the most versatile & useful due to board friendly size. Nothing really in it between the turbo & black secret in the same mode.
And in case anyone else was wondering - big box & whiteface sound identical. Big box has slightly less noise on higher gain settings. Both are just perfectly delicious - it’s the rat sound I always imagine in my head.
It sure is. I spoke to him about it as wasn't sure of its history - looks like someone bought a limited 'glyph' variant and painted a rat on it!
Great stuff - but also... proving the point... too many options! I was v close to buying an OP7 Big-box. Interesting point about the Turbo actually. Hideous branding imo but demos imply it's a bit more open / less compressed which the name wouldn't suggest!
I still think of getting one though. I'm not as gain-obsessed as I was in those days, but worried it might be like the op amp Muff I was asking about on here months back.
Had a cheap local MIC Rat II slip away this week and the Keeley I said I'd mull over the weekend sold last night.
Interestingly, just clocked a store in London is doing a modded Rat that and the standard unit for a mere 50 quid. Anyone have expereince w/the "Rhod Mods" ?
After much back-and-forth, life delays, an eBay voucher and funds from Mrs Shipwreck I went for the (rolls-royce?) of ProCo's offering: the FatRat. And I bloody love it.
Mosfet diodes sound the best to my ear and the "Fat" switch is truly excellent at home. I suspect the "skinny" mode cuts better in a live mix so I love having that option.
Built like a tank, lovely smooth pots and I am an absolute sucker for stupid mini-switches / pedals that feel like they were designed in and/for the survival of the Cold War. I realise I could've nabbed a boutique version for the same price but I felt compelled to stick with ProCo for the legacy.
Bernard Butler and Graham Coxon are two my absolute heroes but it's the sound of so many great records too. Everything from What's The Frequency Kenneth to early Radiohead and Weezer and even those skuzzy Foo Fighters tunes before they went MOR. A legend for a reason.
I also have a Wampler Ratsbane, but I can't get it to sound as good as the TateFX pedal. Which is actually off my board at the moment because of a bad connection in it that I haven't got around to fix.
Trading feedback:
The best of the lot is the original USA Rat II in my experience.
"Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski
"Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein
I picked up a ProCo BRAT recently and that is a very cool variant whilst still in the same RAT ballpark. The biggest downside is that it doesn’t have a DC jack, so it’s battery-only.