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I’d but a proper reissue headphone thing but this seems a bit pointless in a world of modelling.
heres a video from BWM5150 who is bloody awesome and is on this forum
Don't talk politics and don't throw stones. Your royal highnesses.
I have a cheap Zoom G1xON (cost me £25) and that has a preset in it called 'Big Rack' that's absolutely fantastic and does that LA/AOR 80s studio clean so well and sounds so expensive and classy with its delays, micro-pitch, chorus, reverb, compression - think 'Hysteria', Dream Theater's intro on 'Pull Me Under'. Whilst it sounds great direct through a PA and absolutely fantastic on headphones, and I'm sure it would work well for recording, it doesn't transfer so well to being used on a board with other pedals for live and through an amp, and so if this pedal could achieve 'that sound' and be pedalboard and amp friendly, I'll be happy. If the ODs have that character, but are improved with a little more distortion, even better but my interest is really in the cleans.
Back in the day, I had the JHS Rock Box. It was ok and the Chorused-Delay Clean sound was its strong point, but I also tried the Rockman and that was better in that department.
I play guitar and take photos of stuff. I also like beans on toast.
Is there enough money coming in to make it economical to deal with a tax return for it?
Fancy a laugh: the unofficial King of Tone waiting list calculator:
I play guitar and take photos of stuff. I also like beans on toast.
All I was doing was a quick and dirty click through to see how they sounded after the YT system had affected them.
But of course the customer pool for bass is a lot smaller so it's probably not worth the hassle.
Fancy a laugh: the unofficial King of Tone waiting list calculator:
I play guitar and take photos of stuff. I also like beans on toast.
Do they host the patches or would I just email them out when people have paid?
@JohnCordy I see you have an account - how does it work?
Fancy a laugh: the unofficial King of Tone waiting list calculator:
It was an object lesson in understanding that the great tones on records are largely down to what you can achieve with professional-quality recording studio equipment and an engineer who knows how to use it, rather than the guitar gear.
"Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski
"Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein
It uses multiple gain stages and custom IR’s (all free).
I’d like one the pedals, tho, just to try out sticking in front of an a la the lead sound on Megadeth’s ‘Peace Sells’ album.