Cutting out sugar

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  • DrCorneliusDrCornelius Frets: 7566
    Fuengi said:

    I'm intrigued by this ketone stuff. What would I eat for breakfast? Currently I take a pot off yogurt and homemade granola on the train. Lunch and dinner be easy enough.
    Still working things out so not sure on convenient / quick food. I work from home so it's easy to grab what I want, when I want it. 

    Celery, cocktail sausages and cheese have been my nibbles, but if I decide to stick to it beyond month I'll have to intrude more foods. 
    Cocktail sausages? Must be carb heavy, no?

    Cocktail sausages (or any cheap sausages) are usually bulked out with grain and all sorts of stuff so they aren't as carb light as something like Pork Scratchings for example which are basically zero carb.
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28628
    I'm coeliac, which make food a massive pain anyway, but through Jan we have a big health push - more about trying to cut processed food than specifically targetting sugar, for me. 

    Basically just trying to make good decisions whenever possibl:
     - booze no more than 3 nights a week (doesn't matter which nights)
     - more veg and salads (salads are great if you don't just have lettuce - chicken breast with greek salad is my go-to. Plenty of feta and olives to give it flavour but no carbs so really good for you)
     - minimising heavy carb-filled dinners as much as possible
     - gym with a trainer twice a week. The trainer is a key thing - I know I'd skip way more and work less hard if I was on my own. 
    But no calorie counting and no guilt about having some chips at the weekend if I want to, as long as i've had a good week. I've lost an inch off my waist, 10% of my previous body fat (30%-ish to 27%-ish) and most importantly feel way better and more motivated in the evenings. 

    I'm also trying to cook bigger portions of anything I can when it makes sense, so I can save them up for weekday lunches. Makes life much easier for hardly any more prep or washing up
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • FuengiFuengi Frets: 2850
    Fuengi said:

    I'm intrigued by this ketone stuff. What would I eat for breakfast? Currently I take a pot off yogurt and homemade granola on the train. Lunch and dinner be easy enough.
    Still working things out so not sure on convenient / quick food. I work from home so it's easy to grab what I want, when I want it. 

    Celery, cocktail sausages and cheese have been my nibbles, but if I decide to stick to it beyond month I'll have to intrude more foods. 
    Cocktail sausages? Must be carb heavy, no?

    Cocktail sausages (or any cheap sausages) are usually bulked out with grain and all sorts of stuff so they aren't as carb light as something like Pork Scratchings for example which are basically zero carb.
    Grabbed a couple as i headed out the door yesterday - perhaps not zero carb!
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  • NiteflyNitefly Frets: 5054
    Fuengi said:
    Have stopped snoring! 
    How do you know?   ;)

    (not having a pop, BTW - I've never heard myself snoring, yet Our Maud swears I sound like a train...)

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  • FuengiFuengi Frets: 2850
    edited March 2018
    Nitefly said:
    Fuengi said:
    Have stopped snoring! 
    How do you know?   ;)

    (not having a pop, BTW - I've never heard myself snoring, yet Our Maud swears I sound like a train...)

    Good question. Here's the evidence;
    1. The Mrs has not heard me, which she almost always does at some point during the night.
    2. I often hear myself when I'm dozing off. Not happened for three nights.
    3. Back of my mouth / throat always felt slightly sore and swollen in the morning from snoring. Gone.
    4. Whilst waking up this morning I tried to see if I could make myself snore and could not. 
    5. The reason I'm aware to this is that sombody else who is on the meat and greens diet claimed it cured their snoring.

    Not sure what else is going to conclusively prove it (hard to prove a negative) except setting up the Focusrite mic on the bedside table! o    
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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16634
    I was reading something on my news feed which was suggesting that a specific diet isn't all that important but if you increase the overall quality of your diet ( more fruit and veg, more wholefoods, less sugar and refined carbs) you will slowly lose some weight anyway. 
    Generally a virtuous circle of eat better, feel better, be more active,etc. 
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • FuengiFuengi Frets: 2850
    I was reading something on my news feed which was suggesting that a specific diet isn't all that important but if you increase the overall quality of your diet ( more fruit and veg, more wholefoods, less sugar and refined carbs) you will slowly lose some weight anyway. 
    Generally a virtuous circle of eat better, feel better, be more active,etc. 
    Personally, I'm not doing it to lose weight. It's about how I feel, energy levels, minor illnesses which keep recurring, joint movement. All these are reported to improve on a low sugar diet.

    Diet is probably a misleading term. 
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  • NiteflyNitefly Frets: 5054
    Fair play, good work!

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  • FuengiFuengi Frets: 2850

    Having said I'm not doing this for weight loss, I did step on the scales this morning. I'm 6ft 1in and my weight has been pretty consistent at around 14st 4lb for the last few years.

    Last time I weighed myself was around 20 days ago after a fairly heavy weekend of eating and drinking and I was 14st 6lb. Today I weigh 13st 13lb, which is the first time I'm aware of being under 14st for more than 5 years.

    Obviously, I've only been doing this a few days but I have eaten as much as I want, whenever I have wanted to, drunk plenty of water and had a glass of wine last night. Not gone hungry once, so the weight loss is both surprising and intriguing.

    I’ll see what happens over the next couple of weeks.   

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  • mellowsunmellowsun Frets: 2422
    Are cornflakes allowed with this diet? I can give up the rest but I need my bowl of cornflakes with raw almond milk (no sugar)

    Also are oats allowed?
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  • FuengiFuengi Frets: 2850
    edited March 2018
    mellowsun said:
    Are cornflakes allowed with this diet? I can give up the rest but I need my bowl of cornflakes with raw almond milk (no sugar)

    Also are oats allowed?

    Ok, there is no 'one' diet. The strictest version I have seen is here this diet has been followed by sombody who was suffering crippling rhumatoid arthritis.

    This is more of a lifestyle choice diet (and includes oats)

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  • mellowsunmellowsun Frets: 2422
    @Fuengi great, thanks for the info
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  • AlnicoAlnico Frets: 4616
    Hopefully this will help some...

    So here's an 'Innocent' fruit smoothie I just saw while shopping today.
    It's 750ml so not massive not the little one.

    Looks lush, looks healthy as hell and on the side of the bottle it bangs on about how many different fruits are in it, etc.

    So would you grab that and drink the whole thing?
    Well, I would have done and I suspect quite a few would so congratulations because we just dodged 75g of sugar.
    That's right, for every 100ML of juice there's 10g of sugar in that there healthy drink.

    If you take a bag of sugar and weigh out 75g, you'll see what I mean.
    That's the same amount of sugar as Red Coke!

    Drinking that thing won't kill you but it really won't help to lose weight.
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  • AlnicoAlnico Frets: 4616
    edited March 2018
    ....and I know it says "Only sugars found naturally in the fruit and vegetables..." but here's the rub.

    If you squeeze the fruit and don't get all of the fibre as well, the body struggles to break down that fructose and it becomes as bad as the sugar you put into coffee etc.
    They Say that they juice the whole thing and that's fine, maybe they do but even blending it breaks down that fibre and it doesn't aid the digestion the same way as it would being eaten as whole fruit.

    So YES, it may be natural sugars in there but NO it's not perfectly safe as a juice at all.
    If you want to see the difference, go find all the fruit they put in that bottle as whole fruit and sit down and eat it, THEN you'll see what I mean,
    It's not as easy as it sounds!
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  • tony99tony99 Frets: 7394
    Easy enough to make your own smoothies with a decent blender, I pretty much follow a meat n greens type diet, lot of fish too though, generally once every couple of weeks I'll have day off and get my pizza on.

    Like to make a lot of green smoothies, mainly spinach based, coz even though I like the taste sometimes I just can not be arsed chewing through leaves and leaves of the stuff like a cow lol.

    Difficult for me at the minute because I'm in spain for a few months and where I am you get tapas with absolutely EVERYTHING!!
    Bollocks you don't know Bono !!
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  • AlnicoAlnico Frets: 4616
    tony99 said:
    Easy enough to make your own smoothies with a decent blender, I pretty much follow a meat n greens type diet, lot of fish too though, generally once every couple of weeks I'll have day off and get my pizza on.

    Like to make a lot of green smoothies, mainly spinach based, coz even though I like the taste sometimes I just can not be arsed chewing through leaves and leaves of the stuff like a cow lol.

    Difficult for me at the minute because I'm in spain for a few months and where I am you get tapas with absolutely EVERYTHING!!
    OMG Tapas.....

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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28382
    Hmmmnnn ... I think I need to do a no carbs thing ...
    Its amazing how quickly you get fed up with bacon and eggs ....
    This could never happen (to me)
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  • FuengiFuengi Frets: 2850
    Update: week and a half in and it's going well. Energy levels are really good and consistent, no dips. My core temperature seems to to be really consistent too, not getting too hot or cold. Sleeping well, still no snoring. 

    Food has been great, lots of greens, not felt particularly hungry. Had a hankering for cheese last week. Scrambled eggs and salmon for breakfast. Greek yogurt for evening dessert. Everything tastes much better. 

    I got a cold this week, recently they knock me for six but I've hardly noticed it. Weight loss is staggering. I weighed 13st 10lb this morning which is 8lbs less than my regular weight.

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  • RedRabbitRedRabbit Frets: 521
    Good going.

    The weight loss will slow as a lot of those 8lbs will be water - more so than a normal diet.
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  • FuengiFuengi Frets: 2850
    ...Also my skin has really improved. I suffer a little bit with dry skin, around the eyes and ears - irritable rather than noticeable - but this has gone. 

    I'm reading more and more about Ketogenic diets the health benefits are well worth a look. Found out it's used very effectively as a treatment for epilepsy, which I did not know.
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