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  • martroxmartrox Frets: 1
    martRox is the moniker I use for my musical activities and it has been thus since I joined a mixtape community on the BBC website many moons ago.
    I live in Oundle, Northamptonshire these days, via Norfolk, but I grew up(supposedly) in Maidstone, Kent
    I've always dabbled in music, and until 2012 at home on my own, trying to play guitar and keyboards  I happened to meet a fellow visual artist when I opened my studio in Corby who told me about a multi-media project that needed some keyboard.. That was "The Godmonkey Skyhook Amalgamation" and we played a series of gigs during 2013.  Since then I've played with "Corby International Orchestra", "The Slackstring Band", "The Mighty Pandl", and made my debut as a solo. My own music can be found online and it's my ambition to keep doing it..
    I have so much gear that I love and hate at different times..
    Favourite track - "Wish You Were Here"

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  • 8luesman;1120128" said:
    Hello peeps.  I've floated around this forum for a while and decided it's time to sign up.1. Can't remember why I started using it but must have been something to do with being influenced by Gary Moore.2. From East London but joined the natural progression out to Essex.3. To have my music on a movie soundtrack.4. Either an Epiphone acoustic my Mum bought me 20 years ago even though she couldn't afford it, or my recent Les Paul 1958 reissue.5. Tough to choose just one as many have already said, but probably Still Got The Blues - Gary Moore.
    Welcome from a fellow East London/Essex thingy =D>
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ghosty999ghosty999 Frets: 20

    Q1:  Where did you username come from?

    I have no idea!

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?

    I'm currently typing from my studio in Glasgow 


    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?

    To bring back 80s AOR, Hard Rock, Westcoast and HiTech

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    My trusty Jackson Dinky, not the most expensive or best looking but she's served me well

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?

    Iron Maiden - 2 Minutes To Midnight 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Q1. My user name comes from a old band that I was in. The band were called We Beheld The Sea, and my name is Nathan, Nathbeheld Q2. I live in R.C.T in Wales, not far from Cardiff. Q3. My tele deluxe, other things I can replace, won't ever replace that. Q4. Far too many to mention. The Mighty Rio Grande by This Will Destroy You if I had to choose.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • floeighty2floeighty2 Frets: 182
    Ok, here goes! Hello! Let's answer these questions! 

    Q1:  Where did you username come from? 

    My flat mates at uni saw a TV advert where a chap said 'my names, Laurence, but you can call me Flo' and it stuck.  The eighty2 part is my year of birth. 

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?

    I'm in Stockport, Manchester, UK

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?

    To maybe play a reasonable size gig without having a massive bout of anxiety! 

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    2004 AM Fender Telecaster Standard 

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?

    The National - Fake Empire

    Nice to meet you all! 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • woosterwooster Frets: 1
    Username came from PG Wodehouse's Bertie Wooster
    I live in Kent though I'm an ex-pat Scotsman
    Main musical ambition is to enjoy playing music as long as possible
    Best gear changes but it's a toss up between my American Standard Tele and my ES339 Studio
    Hmmmm. DIfficult. Maybe "Man of the World" by Fleetwood Mac

    be happy people

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • BlackjackBlackjack Frets: 252
    Q1. My username is the name of one of my horses! No, I am not a compulsive gambler!!
    Q2. I am from North West Kent, UK
    Q3. My main musical ambition at the moment is to improve my playing enough to be able to play at some open mic nights and hopefully find some other musicians to play with
    Q4. My best bit of gear is undoubtably my gorgeous Epiphone Les Paul Custom Pro which I just adore
    Q5. My #1 track at the moment is Sin City by up and coming South London band, Stellify
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • CDog102CDog102 Frets: 0
    my username came about when a friend signed me up for a PlayStation network account and I wanted to have a really badass gangster name that would strike fear into the hearts of teenagers playing Call of Duty online. Hence CDog.  Though it turned out there were 101 other people who's name began with C and were as badass as me... So CDog102.
    My real name is Colin.

    Live in the UK in West Sussex with my wife and several guitars. I'm 29 at time of posting 

    Im an OK guitarist, I've been teaching for the last ten year which I love and I suppose my biggest musical ambition is to help teach people to be able to play guitar like they've always dreamed of! I don't have that much of a musical ambition for myself other than to be a good enough player and writer to be able to continue to inspire people in worship (I'm a Christian and my main musical outlet is through the church) :)

    I love my PRS custom 22. Don't think I'd part with that! 

    My number one EVER track... Jackie Wilson, higher and higher! 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • MossMoss Frets: 2409
    edited July 2016
    CDog102 said:

    My number one EVER track... Jackie Wilson, higher and higher! 

    Have to agree there! 

    Welcome to theFretBoard @CDog102 ;
    Stop crying, start buying
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • monaromonaro Frets: 0

    Q1:  Where did you username come from? - I like the aussie Holden Monaro from the sixties.

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you? - Spain.

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition? - I just play for fun at home

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one? - My Gordon-Smith GS1.60.

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one? - One that i love is "the cruel sea" by the Dakotas.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ben_wuhben_wuh Frets: 21
    All, I'm Ben. Here we go... 1. My surname begins with a W, or a 'wuh'. Nothing too exciting there. Must try harder 2. South London, previously Bristol, originally the Midlands. 3. I want to get competent enough to join a jazz trio or quartet and play a few gigs here and there. I think I might be a long way off but I'm enjoying the trip. 4. Gibson SG Standard. Nothing particularly special but was bought a long time ago with paper round money (my own, I assure you) so has huge sentimental value. 5. Probably Black Rose by Thin Lizzy. My mum used to have a leather jacket with 'Roisin Dubh' painted on the back which she biked around in. She's a lot cooler than me. Thanks for reading!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Hi everybody!

    1: My username is a bad pun from playing some old version of FIFA on PS2 back in the days. To a Norwegian ear, it sounds vaguely Finnish. To a Fin, hopefully not too insulting.

    2: In Norway.

    3: Releasing my soon to be finished (?) tracks and see them make an impact on Norwegian radio audiences´ unprotected ears.

    4: That´s my PRS Custom 22 Soapbar.

    5: I´ll go for Black Rose, Thin Lizzy. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom

  • Hi All, Very new to guitar, started about 7 months ago, still struggling with those bar chords.

    Q1:  Where did you username come from?

    Tis my name and by birth year,(wow how boring)

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?

    Im from Somerest in England, Bascially full of Farmers and Cider drinkers

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?

    To be able to do this,

    <iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    I only have my one Recording King guitar

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?

    Hotel California. 


    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • A1:  My business name.

    A2:  Not easy. I was born in Soviet Union, which is gone, Then I grown in Moldova, Republic of. Startrd building guitars in Moscow. Now I live in Prague, Czech republic.

    A3:  Just playing some metallica songs with good friends & beer.

    Q4:  Can't choose. All my guitars was great. Just because I built them mysqlf. Let's choose latest one.

    Q5:  Enter Sandman.

    0reaction image LOL 2reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Crazed_FandangoCrazed_Fandango Frets: 74
    edited July 2016
    Hello all!

    Q1:  Where did you username come from?
     A Tommy Bolin track

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you? South Gloucestershire

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?
      Just to continue to enjoy playing

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?
     Fender Strat

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one? Post Toastee by Tommy Bolin
    Don't let your mind post toastee - like a lot of my friends did!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Hello to you all.

    Q1:  Where did your username come from?

    It's a translation of part of the Chinese name I used as the author of an (unpublished) Chinese historical detective novel.

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?

    I've been in Nagoya, Japan since 1991. Before that I lived in exotic Putney.

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?

    Just to play. I'm quite old.

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    A cheap old Korean Magna series guitar from my neighbours, the Aria Pro company, fitted with lace sensors and a killpot.

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?

    Changes by the minute. At this moment I'd have to say Lucky by Radiohead. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • TTony said:

    Q1:  Where did you username come from?

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?


    ChristophEar has created a Spotify playlist of all the #1 tracks
    Everyone's #1 tracks.

    And I just "stickied" this for as long as we've got lots of new rejoiners arriving!

    Hi guys,I'm Mike. Here are the correct answers to the quiz.........
    1 my user name is from me playing guitar,and bass but I'm actually a drummer!!!

    2 I live in Fleetwood near blackpool up int north west

    3 my main musical ambition is to keep at it and dodge actual work for as long as poss!!!

    4 best bit of gear.....ehx wah

    5 fave ever track is boys of summer,by Don henley
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DLMDLM Frets: 2520
    Wow @sushkov_guitars! Your wood gives me wood!  
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    A cheap old Korean Magna series guitar from my neighbours, the Aria Pro company, fitted with lace sensors and a killpot.

    I have a Magna Series guitar too. It was my 2nd guitar purchased and my main guitar for 15 years. The frets are pretty worn now, but I keep it as it always feels nice to play.

    Don't let your mind post toastee - like a lot of my friends did!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Mike77Mike77 Frets: 14
    Hi all,

    Ok so I'm not strictly new here but haven't done this yet (question 5's fault ;) ) So here goes:

    Q1:  Where did you username come from?

    My name and a fiendish clue as to my age.

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?

    Near Aldershot in the South.

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?

    As a Dad of a young family, just playing regular with the odd gig would be a musical goal right now.

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    My well used, slightly modded, USA strat. No matter What gear I get/use, I keep coming back to it.

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?

    Hmmm. Teenage me is screaming Pantera but I'm going Freebird as it covers quite a bit of what I like.

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