Bulldog Pickups & Matamp

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  • thomasw88thomasw88 Frets: 2370
    I've had a set of Bulldog Texas Floods in my strat for the last 7 years, still the best sounding pickups I've ever had.
    Thank you for making them exist. 
    Me too!  In fact my texas floods and some Bare Knuckle Mules are the longest serving pickups I've ever had.. Always been a bit of pickup tart but never desired to change the Texas floods -   although actually I would like to get a base plate put on the bridge pup..
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Van_HaydenVan_Hayden Frets: 438
    Thanks guys, this self promotion thing doesn't com naturally to me!  

    @samzadgan - I'm happy your Matamp is still doing it for you, I'm here if you need pickups!!

    @martinw indeed - must catch up over a brew!

    @blobb yep - I was testing and helping with voicing, and the EQ is plain odd but I kind of like it!

    @tones - glad to hear it!

    @Moe_Zambeek - l keep trying. Uphill struggle at times, and Dave never built the same amp twice. 
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  • Dave_VaderDave_Vader Frets: 360
    thomasw88 said:
    I've had a set of Bulldog Texas Floods in my strat for the last 7 years, still the best sounding pickups I've ever had.
    Thank you for making them exist. 
    Me too!  In fact my texas floods and some Bare Knuckle Mules are the longest serving pickups I've ever had.. Always been a bit of pickup tart but never desired to change the Texas floods -   although actually I would like to get a base plate put on the bridge pup..
    I tried it with a base plate, didn't like it as much so I took it off again.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Van_HaydenVan_Hayden Frets: 438
    @Dave_Vader - my pleasure, they're surprisingly versatile aren't they!

    @thomasw88 I can sort you a base plate out if you desire. Although the bridge is pretty hot as it is, some people like the result some don't!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • pickergpickerg Frets: 30
    edited March 2017
    Interesting... My Nigel Crinson didn't have the original pickups in it when I purchased it.  After the glowing endorsements above I may have to try a set of Bulldogs - was it the Classic T set that was used in the Crinsons?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Van_HaydenVan_Hayden Frets: 438
    @pickerg  it was generally the Classic T. Some had a slightly overwound broadcaster style set. 
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  • OilCityPickupsOilCityPickups Frets: 11741
    tFB Trader
    So - I've been here on and off the forum for over a decade, right back to the old pre-Music Radar days. I've met many of you, many of you are customers and at last weeks Guitar Show @TTony convinced me it was OK to promote what I get up to....here goes. I hate promoting what I do....

    I have multiple hats, all as a means of avoiding a Proper Job. I've been quite successful avoiding a Proper Job. The last one was running the recording studios at the University of Leeds many many moons ago. 

    Around 2002 I got involved with the UKs most reclusive amp brand Matamp. We had a university student on work experience at the factory, when the uni called to see if she was OK she got a rather grumpy reception from Dave & I was dispatched to check she was still alive. 

    All turned out fine, and after a couple of visits I became the test/demo guitarist. We began on new R&D which resulted in a shift away from the 140w amp Dave was working on (GTX) to the 28w design that went on to become the R28/V28 and eventually 1224. Two Guitarist Gold Awards later Matamp was back, turns out Dave and I worked quite well together.

    So I then got into pickups.....2003 around the first Gold Award a new company got in touch with Matamp to use Jeff's cabinet skills and construct some exhibition cabinets. That company was Bare Knuckle Pickups. At the time I was pretty happy with my Fralins, and here was this guy telling me hand wound was better. Turns out he was right, I worked on and off with Bare Knuckle, testing and demoing at shows that kind if thing from 2003-2005. At the end of 2005 I left the uni and went to work for them full time. Things didn't go to plan financially for Bare Knuckle (working a remote workshop in Yorkshire while moving the company south to Cornwall from Devon, coupled with a dip in demand was the catalyst)  and in mid 2006 I was made redundant. Off I went to spend more time at Matamp and figured it was time to make my own pickups as it's pretty addictive once you start!

    The plan was to go full time on Bulldog Pickups, avoiding the Proper Job for as long as possible. I expanded quickly with the help of the old forum and people like @Clarky, ;;;;Neil Morgan & Nigel Crinson plus Jeff at Matamp and an enigmatic violin specialist from Lincoln, I'm thankful to them all.

    All went well until 2007 when Dave left Matamp, I'm not going into that story here but I think a few know on the forum. We went through numerous engineers, the best one was Martin at MJW but he left! So it got to the point where I decided to do all of the R&D myself. A crash course filling in gaps in my electronics knowledge followed & the results of which you can find at www.matamp.co.uk  the new range is quite a bit different from the Matamp amps of old.

    Along side I still make lots of pickups - you can access the flash site here (I know...it will be changed soon) and the shop here 

    I only make pickups I use - I'm not a lover of gold foils, Jaguars and Jazzmasters so I'm not jumping on the band wagon pretending to be an expert! 

    I have worked with quite a few guitar builders over the years, some haven't survived but the best include Damian Probett, both Patrick Eggles, Gordon Smith, Morgan Guitars and Crinson.

    It's been fun - I'll drop by now and again and let you have a look at some of the Matamp and Bulldog Pickups news & updates & try and keep avoiding the Proper Job for as long as possible.


    Good to see you on here again mate, and good to finally meet you in person at the Birmingham show! Proves us pickup winders do get out of our mystical lairs occasionally ... and can be sociable with the best of em :-)
    Not a huge lover of gold foils myself as it goes ... but each to their own.

    Professional pickup winder, horse-testpilot and recovering Chocolate Hobnob addict.
    Formerly TheGuitarWeasel ... Oil City Pickups  ... Oil City Blog 7 String.org profile and message  

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  • Van_HaydenVan_Hayden Frets: 438
    @TheGuitarWeasel  indeed great to catch up with you & Tim. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Pete24vPete24v Frets: 235
    edited March 2017
    Nice to read your story @Van_Hayden , although I know most of it already ;-)

    It's been great knowing & dealing with you for the last 8 years or so. I like the fact I can run an idea past you about a possible gear/tone change and your suggestion is literally 95% correct for what i'm after. 

    The Fane AXA12 & Celestion V30 in a 2x12, amazing! still use those in an @martinw MJW cab. 

    Bulldog Pickups, I've had plenty for the guitars i've been using at the time. I gigged the Texas Floods at the weekend in the Warmoth Strat, they worked great, exactly what i was after... a pure fat strat tone. There was a bit of noise (dam stage lights) after the previous Bill Lawrence stacked single coils, but the trade off for better tone is worth it. 

    If i ever own a guitar with a humbucker again, i'll be ordering a Hot PAF for sure. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Van_HaydenVan_Hayden Frets: 438
    Thanks @Pete24v  has it really been that long?!? Funny, I've still got that combination in my 212!
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  • Just got Damian to build me a 25.5" Rocket and tried it out last weekend at Ride Festival, CO, the pickups sounded amazing. Thanks!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28628
    Just got Damian to build me a 25.5" Rocket and tried it out last weekend at Ride Festival, CO, the pickups sounded amazing. Thanks!
    @noirleblanc ;I think we're gonna need to see some pics!!
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • I'll put some up nest week. @Van_Hayden did a fine job on a hot P90 and an Alnico 2 rod magnet. They sound incredible
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  • Van_HaydenVan_Hayden Frets: 438
    Glad you liked them! I've got a Rocket on order, can't wait for mine. I've worked with a lot of luthiers in the UK, Damian I put above them all in both his designs & attention to detail, where others always work with an eye on the bottom line & profits Damian is all about the instrument!
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