Writing Lyrics

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Was wondering what approach people take to writing lyrics... I never used to have problems but over the years it's become harder and now everything I write seem either trite, cringe worthy, predictable or just plain simple rubbish. 

I just don't seem to have anything to say anymore!

how do you write?
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  • If i sit down and try to put words to something I find its usually shit. 

    It's when something hits me at random, thats when I get on it. 
    I find that what you are feeling at the moment in time transfers to paper best. If you have been cheated, wronged, observed something, happy etc.. it usually starts to write its self. 
    The Bigsby was the first successful design of what is now called a whammy bar or tremolo arm, although vibrato is the technically correct term for the musical effect it produces. In standard usage, tremolo is a rapid fluctuation of the volume of a note, while vibrato is a fluctuation in pitch. The origin of this nonstandard usage of the term by electric guitarists is attributed to Leo Fender, who also used the term “vibrato” to refer to what is really a tremolo effect.
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  • It's when something hits me at random, thats when I get on it. 
    I find that what you are feeling at the moment in time transfers to paper best. If you have been cheated, wronged, observed something, happy etc.. it usually starts to write its self. 
    I'd agree with that. 

    I find it comes to me when I'm doing a mundane task and I try and forge a sentence in my head, something that sounds good/interesting. Use that as a starting point, then write down what ever pops into your head as it comes, don't analyse what your writing. When you can't think anymore, read over what you've done and see if anything makes sense to you - is there a meaning/idea/story you can relate to. At least then you've got a basis to start from.
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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10325
    I write down weird dreams ive had, try to get the plot of them laid out then take it from there
    I'm scared and I'm waiting for life
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  • GrunfeldGrunfeld Frets: 4093
    I just don't seem to have anything to say anymore!

    That would be it.

    When I had nothing to say... I said nothing.

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  • Our singer writes lyrics which fit in with a story which runs through most of our songs.
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  • GeorgieGeorgie Frets: 19
    Or do what I am doing in my latest song - write about what you would like to be doing!! Think of a situation you have maybe been in during your past that you would like to be at again.

    What did you do? What did you see? Smells? Tastes? Take your audience there with you. Well that is typical country writing!! No hidden meanings - just a story!.

    Good luck!
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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10325
    How about:


    Nashvillains (or if you support the 2nd best team in the West Midlands, Aston Nashvilla)

    If you were solo you could have Alone Star State

    Oh hang on sorry wrong thread
    I'm scared and I'm waiting for life
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  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22446
    Two methods really.

    1. I write stuff that tries to communicate an idea or concept, and very often I'll already have melodies and rhythms in mind. I'll sing along to the demos and it'll just sort of come out.

    2. Pillage lines, sentences, words, and phrases, from various places and fit them to a structure. Sources are the idiotic things people say on Facebook, Youtube comments, and other such places. I also read a fair amount of occult literature and pull phrases from them too.

    For instance I found some stuff in the online Aleister Crowley library, written by a guy writing about Freemasonry. I turned it into this:
    to seek and knock at the door of a world within
    we are but ordinary men of the world
    compelled to turn back upon ourselves
    light charts the way
    beyond our reach
    beyond our path

    It will end up being prog as fuck of course.

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  • TeetonetalTeetonetal Frets: 7868
    Revisiting this thread as lack of lyric power has pretty much stopped my doing my own thing for about 18 months,. in the end just blurted out any old shite and forced my self to write a song at the weekend. 

    so i'm going to try Drew's approaches next... 

    One thing though, do people have a preferred approach of lyrics or music first?
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  • guitarfishbayguitarfishbay Frets: 7973
    edited March 2017
    I listen to a lot of radio interviews.  Not just of musicians (in the car I pretty much listen to Radio 4 and they get all sorts of people on).  At some point someone talks about something interesting/touches on an interesting concept.  Sometimes songs are about characters based on people I know, but re-imagined in 'what if this happened' ways.

    Every time I get an idea for a line I write it down on my phone.  Often that just gets parked there for a long time but sometimes it is useful.  Sometimes I'm writing several songs a month some months I write nothing.  I usually write the full songs with the singer in my band but I turn up with a bunch of ideas.

    Usually start backing music first but the melody of the vocal comes about the same time as the lyircs.  

    Better to write something that you can work on later than to sit waiting forever for the perfect line.  Just keep trying whatever pops into your head no matter if it isn't perfect, the train of thought can get you somewhere interesting.  And if it isn't working take a break, you can't force creativity.
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  • TeetonetalTeetonetal Frets: 7868
    @guitarfishbay ;

    more good ideas, thanks!

    I think I had got to the point where i was using my lack of lyrical creativity to be an excuse to not write something. I've basically not even tried for 18 months or so, always thinking, what is the point. It's stupid as I really love working on songs but lyrics get me a stupor.

    Isn't there some quote about inspiration striking but it needs to find you working? Guess I took my creative break to seriously :)
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