Valve amps at home volume - Orange Rocker 15

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  • skunkwerxskunkwerx Frets: 7019
    skunkwerx said:
    Well With the 10% black friday or fretboarders disq the Rocker 15 in orange is £467 from PMT
    Too good a deal to resist. Mine's arriving tomorrow  =)
    Good man! Now the rest of you.. i dont need one but I’m tempted.. I really dont want one.. 

    please buy them all. 
    The only easy day, was yesterday...
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  • Can't wait to plug into this. It's going to be my first ever valve amp (about time, after nearly 30 years since my first shitty practice amp).  Now will get to see myself what all the fuss is about. Planning to keep my Katana 100 for some stereo action. 
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  • maw4neumaw4neu Frets: 579
    Orange amps are excellent . . . I’m still a huge fan of the Tiny Terrors . . . Built like a Tank, literally. . 
    Id just like to point out that, despite all the video and DNA evidence, it genuinely wasn't me, your Honour  ! 

    Feedback :
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  • Oh God, I hope you like it!   :)

    Nervous now...... =)

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  • MagicPigDetectiveMagicPigDetective Frets: 3126
    edited November 2020
    First impressions: only played at low volume but what a great sounding amp. As a valve amp virgin I can tell the difference from a solid state straight away, and the guitar volume backed off tones sound so good. Agree with everything @rustyspanner says above: thanks for steering me towards this amp. Will say more when I’ve had more time with it. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Yay!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • NelsonPNelsonP Frets: 3452
    First impressions: only played at low volume but what a great sounding amp. As a valve amp virgin I can tell the difference from a solid state straight away, and the guitar volume backed off tones sound so good. Agree with everything @rustyspanner says above: thanks for steering me towards this amp. Will say more when I’ve had more time with it. 
    Happy NAD!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Hey MPD, hope you're still enjoying the amp. 

    What do you reckon?
    Still fulfilling your expectations?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • MagicPigDetectiveMagicPigDetective Frets: 3126
    edited December 2020
    Yes, still loving it.

    Getting to know it really, and getting used to a valve amp. With the Katana I just left the amp on a clean channel, and fiddled with the pedals endlessly. With this amp I’m taking far more attention with the amp and guitar’s controls, they seem to have more effect. Also individual notes seem more defined, punchy and clear. It’s bringing me back from a pedal obsession, to the joy of just playing guitar.

    I’m gradually bringing in pedals, the D&M Drive sounds good on the natural channel, and the Keeley Hydra gives a good reverb. I’ve spent more time playing my Les Paul through it, sounds fantastic on the dirt channel. Will now switch to my Strat for a while.

    Had one go when everyone out with if on full wattage, wowzers. Playing choppy chord stuff like Can’t Explain with it on break up sounded amazing.
    On 0.5 and 1 watt, still sounds great.

    Are you using any pedals/overdrives with it @rustyspanner ? I’m wandering what something like a TC Spark might sound in the Natural channel.
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  • RustySpannerRustySpanner Frets: 553
    edited December 2020
    With this amp I’m taking far more attention with the amp and guitar’s controls, they seem to have more effect. Also individual notes seem more defined, punchy and clear. It’s bringing me back from a pedal obsession, to the joy of just playing guitar.

    Exactly my own experience. 

    I'd just finished my first pedalboard when I sold the Crush 35RT. 

    I have a Dunlop mini wah,  SD1 and Tone Wicker Muff into the front, with a Boss Chorus, Boss DD7 and Fender Tremverb in the loop. 

    There's sooo many options. 

    I can set the dirty channel to crunch then boost it with a mild setting on the  SD1. This also gives me two distict lower gain tones on the clean channel, so, four great options without having to mess with anything apart from the footswitch. 

    Or, I can set the SD1 on higher gain, the dirty channel on lower gain and get a different set of tones entirely. Add in the guitar's volume control and the possibilities are almost infinite. 

    I'm so glad you're enjoying it. 

    I'd hate to point someone in the wrong direction,  but I do feel this is quite an exceptional bit of kit. 

    Let us know how you get on!

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  • Seriously @rustyspanner I was looking at other options like the Supro Blues King 12 and Laney Cub 12, if you hadn’t posted this thread I may not have known about the Orange Rocker 15, so I am very thankful. It suits me, as I like my clean, crunch, all the way to heavy stoner; this does it all. Might get and SD1 next!
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