SCAMMER WARNING: Due to a spate of recent scam attempts (some successful) recently, if you're doing a deal in the classifieds, ONLY USE PAYPAL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS YOU KNOW THAT INDIVIDUAL PERSONALLY. It's really not worth saving a few quid.
Scammer contacted me via forum beware
What's Hot
I put a' Want To Buy' ad for a Cali76 stacked in the classifieds of this forum and a guy contacted me saying he knew someone who was selling one and sent me his email.
I contacted the guy who replied and sent me photos.
He wanted £250, which seemed a fair price and spoke like he knew what he was talking about.
I asked for Paypal, he said he didn't do it, so I declined.
He then came back and said his son had a Paypal and we could use that. So I paid him with protection. (I paid the extra)
He then made up lots of excuses about it not being cleared (even though it was) and asked me to click on the button in Paypal which would have confirmed me receiving it (I may have been a bit stupid over this but not that stupid!)
Anyway I've escalated it to Paypal am waiting to here. Will be a while though.
Just wanted to make people aware so they don't get caught out.
The seller goes by the name of Russell Moore, the guy who contacted me went by the username !Jay9j! (can't find him on the forum and I should have looked earlier then I might have been alerted)
I've just put some stuff up on Gumtree and I'm getting lots of scam attempts at the moment (certainly more than usual!).
Pleased you sussed it sooner rather than later, as my friend's sister recently lost her violin due to something similar.
They guy emailed me and something just didn’t feel right so I passed.