DSM & Humboldt Simplifier X

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For anyone who is into analogue amp sims, the new Simplifier X is out.

I had the Deluxe but got rid of it in favour of the simpler Simplifier Mkii and because the Deluxe couldn't switch between cab models when switching amps (the two "cabs" were tied to each of the stereo outputs). This meant it was not possible to switch between a Fender amp and Fender type 1x12 cab, to a Marshall amp and 4x12 when using it in mono (or stereo for that matter unless you added another external pedal).

The new version does allow the cab to be switched along with the amp, so I'm more interested, but may stick to the Mkii anyway.
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  • NickBNickB Frets: 282
    This looks great but I have the MKii which is more than sufficient for my needs. 
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  • digitalkettledigitalkettle Frets: 3403
    I think I’ll stick with the mkii.

    I did find the non-switching cabs thing a bit confusing with the deluxe…ended up using the same amp type with different gain levels.

    I haven’t looked into this on the ‘X’: on the deluxe, I typically used the effects loop for a mono-to-stereo chain…if you’re using parallel amps, you need a fully stereo loop OR entirely separate mono chains…how is that handled on the ‘X’? Also, do the individual channels hit stereo reverb at some point?
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  • TheBigDipperTheBigDipper Frets: 4903
    It's inevitable that I'll try one. I dropped the Mk 2 from my board because it didn't have the ability to run two channels (clean and crunch) and I wasn't going to buy two plus a switcher box. I'm only looking at one mono amp at a time, possibly into two different cabs then into the H90 in stereo. 

    There's something about the "entire amp topology" claims that DSM and Origin Effects make for their products that does seem (to my ears) to actually make a difference in the way it feels to play through. Or maybe I'm just sniffing corks and kidding myself. 

    Still not quite the same as the amp in the room, but the closest thing I've ever tried so far. 
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  • TheBigDipperTheBigDipper Frets: 4903
    And... a Simplifier X has just been delivered to my house. I'll do an NPD post in a few days... 
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  • CarbonCopyCarbonCopy Frets: 246
    And... a Simplifier X has just been delivered to my house. I'll do an NPD post in a few days... 

    I look forward to reading it. I think I'll probably stick with my mk2 for now as I'm only using it for home use currently. I'm sure GAS will get the better of me though and I'll think I'll need one to build a second DI board!
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  • NickBNickB Frets: 282
    Since I have had the MKii I haven’t switched on, gigged my Rift Blonde Bassman nor my Cornell Romany 12. Until recently I have been using mine through my Fryette Powerstation and a 1x12 cab. Now using it through a Fender FR12 (which is great btw). Seriously considering the X despite my earlier post… 
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  • VoxmanVoxman Frets: 4860
    Sorry for my ignorance here guys but I'm  bit confused. This is described as zero watt. So does that mean it cant power a guitar speaker cab directly and to go amp less you'll still need a power amp? Or is this unit just intended for straight to PA or to go through eg a powered FRFR speaker? 
    I started out with nothing..... but I've still got most of it left (Seasick Steve)
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  • NickBNickB Frets: 282
    Voxman said:
    Sorry for my ignorance here guys but I'm  bit confused. This is described as zero watt. So does that mean it cant power a guitar speaker cab directly and to go amp less you'll still need a power amp? Or is this unit just intended for straight to PA or to go through eg a powered FRFR speaker? 
    Yes you will need either a power amp and cab (you can bypass the speaker emulation) or FRFR or studio monitors or headphones to straight to PA. 
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  • RevolutionsRevolutions Frets: 429
    I got the DLX recently & I love it for demos. Seems so much easier than turning on my amp. And it sounds great. Using the stereo option to double track guitars is super handy too.

    not sure I’d use any features on the X. But still, love anything that’s manually controlled.
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  • daviesjdaviesj Frets: 27
    I am tempted to try either the X or mk2. Has anyone made use of the headphone and aux features? I read the sound quality was not great on the mk1 so wonder if this has been improved? 
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  • NickBNickB Frets: 282
    daviesj said:
    I am tempted to try either the X or mk2. Has anyone made use of the headphone and aux features? I read the sound quality was not great on the mk1 so wonder if this has been improved? 
    I haven’t had any experience of the MKi but I have used the headphone out to my monitors with the mkii and it sounds great. It certainly doesn’t sound di’d which is what users of the mki complained about. 
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  • TheBigDipperTheBigDipper Frets: 4903
    Quick bit of feedback after playing through it for 30 mins. (Reminder - I owned a MK II for a few months and liked it). 

    - It's got a fault. The "Speaker Color" control on both sides does absolutely nothing. So it needs swapping out, for sure. 
    - Side B has the lovely MK II tones that I remember. The hotter versions on side A don't yet appeal in the same way, but it's early days for dialing in sounds. 

    - Everything else seems fine and it feels substantial. The footswitch is nice, too. 

    For those wondering, I thought the Mk II was vastly better than the MK I for my purposes - it seems like an amp rather than a preamp (IYSWIM). I haven't tried the headphones or aux in on the X and won't bother until it's been swapped out. 
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  • Paul_CPaul_C Frets: 7966
    edited April 28

    I have Mk1 and II (both for sale) and like them - I didn't hear any sound issues with either.
    "I'll probably be in the bins at Newport Pagnell services."  fretmeister
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  • TheBigDipperTheBigDipper Frets: 4903
    edited April 30
    So, a mini review of the Simplifier X from my very-prejudiced point of view and as it pertains to my needs.  

    If anyone has seen my posts elsewhere regarding a "go direct" pedalboard, you'll know I'm in a band that always goes direct these days and we monitor ourselves through the stage wedges. It  makes sense for our gigs, as we generally play smaller spaces and it gives us a consistent, clear sound. You might also know I'm in a constant quest to find something that gives me the same feedback and enjoyment playing direct that I get playing through an amp in the room. 

    I don't like playing through the modellers I've owned, or the sounds I get, and I don't really like the IRs I've used as speaker emulations. I've been happiest using analogue solutions for amp and cab. The most enjoyable experiences for me have been using the Simplfier Mk II and Origin Effects Deluxe61/RDC into an Iconoclast (digital but not IR-based).

    So, I really like the Simplifier Mk II and probably could use two of them on my board with some sort of flip/flop switcher so I could select one or the other and have them behave like a two channel amp. That's why I stumped up for a Simplifier X. 

    The "Mk II" side of the X is great. It's just the same. The "Hot" side doesn't appeal in the same way and I don't like the tones it delivers. I've tried to set it to behave and sound like the Mk II side, but it isn't satisfying enough to my ears. Lots of people will love it, I'm sure. It's a taste thing - I just don't like it or want to use it. 

    The connectivity options and choices are comprehensive and well thought through. In general it looks like a quality piece of hardware. 

    Unfortunately, the unit I was sent has a fault with the "Speaker Color" control on both sides. You can select your cabinet style (combo/twin, stack) and then dial in the "colour" of the speaker you're looking for (Green, Blue or Black). That bit isn't working. No matter where I turn the control, the sound doesn't change. On the Mk II it was quite obvious and useful. 

    I seriously considered swapping it for another unit so I could have another go at getting sounds that appealed to me on the "Hot" side, with that feature working properly, but in the end I've decided to return it and get a refund. 

    But that's just for me. I think it's a great piece of kit that should appeal to loads of people. It just doesn't improve on where I already am. 
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