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  • BGGBGG Frets: 716
    No idea what the game is ? I don’t play games, but five episodes in and really enjoying it. 
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  • ThePrettyDamnedThePrettyDamned Frets: 7640
    edited April 2024
    Watching it now. Looks fun.

    For those who are into the games, GrimBeard has wonderful, entertaining video essays on the first two games. He delves into the troubled development of the second one and how the signature "fallout style" came to be, particularly the skill system, and the interesting stories around each of the shelters, and the experiments run on them. 
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  • OffsetOffset Frets: 15696
    Watched first episode last night. Won't be watching the second. Complete yawnfest.
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • First episode was excellent! On the second now 
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  • John_PJohn_P Frets: 2786
    Haven’t played the games so I suspect there is stuff going on that I’ve missed but really enjoyed it.    
    Will there be a second season or does that complete the story from the games?
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  • John_P said:
    Haven’t played the games so I suspect there is stuff going on that I’ve missed but really enjoyed it.    
    Will there be a second season or does that complete the story from the games?
    Ditto, never played the games but have also really enjoyed the show so far.

    I assume the dad character doing a runner in a Knight suit means a season2?

    littlegreenman < My tunes here...
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 30081
    edited April 2024
    The games all follow different characters with different stories across the wasteland, so this isn’t based on them “game story” beyond the overall backstory and setting.  Each game does have an overall “main quest” but they’re extremely open-ended and not narrative-driven in the way The Last of Us is, for example. 

    Which is great because it means they can largely do whatever they want to make a compelling tv show. 

    They’ve already confirmed season 2 is greenlit and progress.
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • RedRabbitRedRabbit Frets: 547
    edited April 2024
    It has been confirmed by Todd Howard that the TV series is going to be considered canon in the Fallout universe though.

    This could mean that the events of the TV series have an impact on Fallout 5. I have ideas as to what this may be, but don't want to post spoilers for the show.

    There's an interview with Nolan and Howard where they discuss Bethesda reviewing the scripts and telling them what they could and couldn't do in terms of planned content for Fallout 5.  The game is probably still a decade or more away (Bethesda have said they aren't starting it properly until TES6 is finished) but it at least gives me hope knowing that they are already thinking about it.  

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  • BrioBrio Frets: 2689
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  • slackerslacker Frets: 2439
    Not seen it but have seen some trailers clips and interviews. I've been waiting for reviews as I've played fallout 3 new vegas and 4 a lot. A lot of IPs have been written, produced badly with underwhelming performances. 

    It looks like fallout, with make up, armour, sets and costumes accurate to the games. The ghoul looks like a great character. 

    As each game had different vaults and characters it's not a stretch to have new leads and story in that world. It has the same main concept as fallout 3. Sort of.

    I'm quietly looking forward to it.
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 18830
    tFB Trader
    They seem to have followed the Games quite closely with the exception that Ghouls seem to need to be medicated to avoid becoming feral.

    This does help to drive the plot so I'm not against it.
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  • RedRabbitRedRabbit Frets: 547
    They seem to have followed the Games quite closely with the exception that Ghouls seem to need to be medicated to avoid becoming feral.

    This does help to drive the plot so I'm not against it.
    I'm assuming this was an intentionally new element - the plot could have worked just as easily with an addiction to jet etc.   The drug he was using seemed to be made from ghoul parts so could be a new(ish) discovery that has either happened post Fallout 4 or simply hasn't made it to the east coast yet.  
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 18830
    tFB Trader
    RedRabbit said:
    They seem to have followed the Games quite closely with the exception that Ghouls seem to need to be medicated to avoid becoming feral.

    This does help to drive the plot so I'm not against it.
    I'm assuming this was an intentionally new element - the plot could have worked just as easily with an addiction to jet etc.   The drug he was using seemed to be made from ghoul parts so could be a new(ish) discovery that has either happened post Fallout 4 or simply hasn't made it to the east coast yet.  

    It seems the game has been made with very close approval from Bethesda so I expect we will see it as a mechanic in Fallout 5.
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  • Axe_meisterAxe_meister Frets: 5023
    Just finished the last Episode. I really enjoyed it. 
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  • gubblegubble Frets: 1867
    Finished the last episode myself. 

    I've only played one of the games that was on Gamepass and couldn't get into it however really enjoyed the series.

    The whole kitsch Americana vibe blended in with the post nuclear war scenes were visually stunning.

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  • 50 nuka cola caps says it doesn't come close to living up to the source material
    I’ll see your 50 Nuka Cola caps and raise you 4 tins of Cram 
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  • slackerslacker Frets: 2439
    Well, I've watched 2 episodes and started playing fa
    Lout 4. It's close. New characters and new story. Walton goggins is awesome. 
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  • TheMarlinTheMarlin Frets: 8904
    I binged watched it all in one sitting. Enjoyed it
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  • skullfunkerryskullfunkerry Frets: 4641
    edited April 2024
    robgilmo said:
    I watched the last one today, wow, that was different. Wasnt the cowboy ghoul the same fella from westworld? 
    Ed Harris? No lol lol 
    Similar feel though; I said as much to my wife while we watched ep8.

    Absolutely loved the series, did it all in a couple of days. Looking forward to season 2 very much!
    Too much gain... is just about enough \m/

    I'm probably the only member of this forum mentioned by name in Whiskey in the Jar ;)

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  • RkphilpotRkphilpot Frets: 259
    Watched all episodes in a night shift and really liked it, there's some subtle nods to Easter eggs in the games that I enjoyed. Much better than 'The Rings of Power" amazon butchered. 

    Also.....Matt Berry
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