Not sure if anyone here can weigh in with some sage advice. I can't find assistance in the manual. Or the interweb. Basically I've got the GX-100 set up in 4CM with my amp and I'd like to switch channels and at the same time switch on an effect. Specifically, I'd like chorus on when I select the clean channel. So I assigned a footswitch to trigger AMP CTL and also toggle Chorus ON/OFF. The problem's doing it the wrong way. It swiches chorus on when I go to the dirty channel. Which was great in the 80s but not what I'm trying to do today. Any ideas? It doesn't look like you can change the polarity of the AMP CTL and if I switch the chorus off manually (via the pedal controls or the screen) then it just ignores the first press of the footswitch and I'm back at square 1.
What I'm trying to say is - go to the assign for the chorus, and turn the MIN value from "off" to "on" and the MAX value from "on" to "off".
I've had the GX-100 for a little while now but I haven't had to change anything on it for ages so it's a bit like starting again!
I've had the GT1000, core, and several stomps, and on a whim bought a GX100 last week. My use case for this is home practice and for a run of shows Ive got with a band in the summer where I really don't want to be lugging around lots of gear.
I might also take it along to other gigs in case my pedalboard goes down. I don't have time in a gig to troubleshoot which cable has failed on the pedalboard. This has happened a couple of times, so having something I can just whack into my amp as a backup would get me through the gig.
So far, I've found the GX100 much easier to use compared to the GT1000. The touch screen is really easy to use and it seems a lot easier to dial in a patch than the GT100 which was always a bit convoluted.
One thing I'm struggling with is that the routing on the GX100 seems a lot less flexible than the GT1000 (which was superb). For example, it was really easy to hook up the unit to a guitar amp and/or PA/FRFR without having to alter anything on the patches. I think you can kind of do that with the GX100 but It doesn't seem as flexible in that you only have one mixer/divide/effects loop so I can't see how I could run the 4cm to an amp and also have an output going straight to FOH. Anyone able to do that?
I'm also concerned that after spending ages on making patches in the house, I'll whack it into a band situation only for it to sound utterly crap. That was my experience with the Stomp, and also with the GT1000 to a slightly lesser degree. I did gig with the GT1000 a few times but it was never as good an experience as using a normal pedalboard. Anyone got any good tips/experience of overcoming that?