Helix wah, switchless

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Does anyone know if its possible to amke  the helix wah switchless. Ie/  when  you move the pedal from the fully back position it activates at the bottom of the wah sweep.

With Boss units you could do this by configuring the controller curve but Im not sure if its possible on a helix. 
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 30009
    Dunno, but I'd like that.

    And internal assignable LFOs and envelope control. That'd add huge flexibility. 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • bloodandtearsbloodandtears Frets: 1750
    It is possible with a bit of jiggery pokery....

    My trading feedback

    is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • PolarityManPolarityMan Frets: 7475
    oh nice...Ill check that out tonight.

    Follow up question...which model is closest to a weeping demon :)
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  • duotoneduotone Frets: 1048
    Model                                            Based on

    UK Wah 846Mono, StereoVox® V846
    Teardrop 310Mono, StereoDunlop® Cry Baby® Fasel model 310
    FasselMono, StereoDunlop® Cry Baby® Super
    WeeperMono, StereoArbiter® Cry Baby®
    ChromeMono, StereoVox® V847
    Chrome CustomMono, StereoModded Vox® V847
    ThroatyMono, StereoRMC Real McCoy 1
    Vetta WahMono, StereoLine 6 Original
    ColorfulMono, StereoColorsound® Wah-fuzz
    ConductorMono, StereoMaestro® Boomerang
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  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2959
    Yes you can, I have mine set up like this. There are a million Youtube videos for how to do this, along with forum posts. Just go into the wah block, bypass assign and set the position at which you want it to turn off, how long you want it to wait before it turns off in ms.
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  • longshinslongshins Frets: 257
    If anyone knows how to make it switchless when the expression pedal is plugged into a Morningstar mc6 I’d love to be told how to do it
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 30009
    Wouldn't it be the same but assigning to the appropriate Midi controller instead of the on board expression pedal? 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • longshinslongshins Frets: 257
    Sporky said:
    Wouldn't it be the same but assigning to the appropriate Midi controller instead of the on board expression pedal? 
    Maybe but I can seem to get it to work properly, currently I use a physical switch to turn on the wah and have the expression pedal plugged into the mc6, if I remember rightly, when I tried to get it to auto engage via the mc6 it did weird stuff like only working from 50% onwards. I might just go back to plugging the expression pedal straight back into the Helix and sacrifice my 2 button patch up and down switch.
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 30009

    I could dig out my Source Audio Reflex and see if I can get that doing it via MIDI. 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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