What do I want for my birthday?

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  • bobblehatbobblehat Frets: 573
    Kurtis said:
    Up the pooper? 
    Its his birthday , not Christmas! 
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  • ROOGROOG Frets: 574
    edited April 2024
    If it could be bought I would go for the old classics. 'health and happiness' as I get older these these so much more attractive than any stuff.

    So I guess you will just have to put up with some stuff  :0)

    Incidentally the same thing happens to me every year, I have stopped making recommendations to my family becuase they always moan about my practical suggestions, now they are happy to buy me any old crap which annoys me even more as i have to store it for a few years so that they don't get offended before I throw it out and cause the world more waste. Why can't people just accept that most of us in the developed world don't need any more stuff. 


    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
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