How long do you leave a bodge?

What's Hot


  • OffsetOffset Frets: 14770
    edited April 14
    I've successfully bodged life for nearly 64 years.  So far, so good.

    Leave it be   ;)
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  • RichACRichAC Frets: 794
    There are few things as permanent as a temporary fix.
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  • Danny1969Danny1969 Frets: 11231
    A friend told me the shower head bracket had broken in the shower so he used a mic stand in the shower from there on to hold it. Apparently he heard of this fix on the radio. 
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 29392
    "If it's stupid and it works... it's not stupid."
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 13056
    WezV said:
    I tied my exhaust back on with a spare USB cable that happened to be in the car.

    It survived a few hundred miles until I got around to replacing the bracket

    My first car had a jackplate acting as a washer to hold the wing mirror on, and cloth pickup tape soaked in superlgue as a repair to the wiper arm.
    I had an Audi 100 saloon at one time. The exhaust mounting rubber perished and the rear box dropped so it was scraping along the ground. I pulled over to see what the racket was and it happened to be right outside a vacuum cleaner repair shop. So I bought a couple of Hoover rubber drive belts and did a lash up. They were still on there when I part ex’d the car about 3 years later. 
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  • Tall_martinTall_martin Frets: 279
    I'd leave house bodges until I move out.

    I don't make many anymore. My first house had some interesting wiring.

    Based on houses I've bought, I'm not the only one to leave bodges forever.

    Craziest bodge was rewiring the negative positive of the whole house after someone put a screw through a wire. Took the electrician ages to find that.

    Most random bodge was someone has wired a ceiling fan the wrong way round- negative to positive again. If you turned on the lights, TV and oven it would trip the whole house.
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  • robgilmorobgilmo Frets: 3758
    I have some cardboard raising the nut on my Telecaster, its been like that for years and was one of those 'I will fix that soon' bodges.
    A Deuce , a Tele and a cup of tea.
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