Just a quicky, nano glass files

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bluecatbluecat Frets: 729
I had never heard of them before, they are absolutely brilliant for shaping the nails on your picking hand and equally as good on your fretting hand. I have used all kinds of files in the past , usually leaves them a bit rough. I can't believe I had to wait untill I was 72 years old to discover this product. Give it a try guys and gals, if you have not already. Let me know what you think please.
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  • AlexlotlAlexlotl Frets: 191
    Are these all much of a muchness, or is there a particular one you can recommend? I’m just starting to grow out the nails on my picking hand, it would be good to be able to keep them in check. 
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  • digitalkettledigitalkettle Frets: 3861
    I've got one of these: https://wolframslides.com/precision_crystal.php

    Top quality...a whole different world to the cheap ones you can buy in a bits & bobs store.
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  • TanninTannin Frets: 6432
    Yes, they are excellent. I've been using them for a few years now. 

    AND you can take them through the security checks at airports and et cetera.

    But don't bend them - they break!

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  • TanninTannin Frets: 6432
    PS But I mostly use an emery board. Most emery boards are flimsy damn things and bloody near useless. Very cheap and worth even less than you pay. But you can get good ones which work far better and last for ages, only thing is, they are hard to find. They cut very quickly so you need a gentle touch.

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  • AirmilesAirmiles Frets: 51
    I'm using this - it's rather finer "grit" than the £5 ones 
    TWEEZERMAN Glass Nail File Double Sided Washable with Case https://amzn.eu/d/cLUxbLi
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  • SupportactSupportact Frets: 1548
    Alexlotl said:
    Are these all much of a muchness, or is there a particular one you can recommend? I’m just starting to grow out the nails on my picking hand, it would be good to be able to keep them in check. 
    I'd definitely recommend one of the Wolfram ones as mentioned by @digitalkettle . They are great and basically won't wear out unless you drop them.  The one I have has a rough side to shape the nail and a finer side to smooth it.  I use a nail 'buffer block' to then polish the edge of the nail. This will give you a very smooth round edge to the nail which will really help get a consistent tone, especially if using nylon strings. 

    Of course,  if you're like me you will then go into your back yard or do some DIY and totally ruin it in about three minutes.
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  • RolandRoland Frets: 9428
    How long do these last? I tried a glass file about 12 years ago, during an acoustic phase, and it lost its surface within a week or so.
    Tree recycler, and guitarist with  https://www.undercoversband.com/.
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  • digitalkettledigitalkettle Frets: 3861
    Roland said:
    How long do these last? I tried a glass file about 12 years ago, during an acoustic phase, and it lost its surface within a week or so.
    That sounds like the cheap ones I described.

     Pretty sure the Wolfram will last forever.
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  • ShadowShadow Frets: 83
    Another vote for Wolfram. Mine shows no signs of wearing out after a couple of years. A quick rinse under the tap to get rid of any debris and it's as good as new.
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  • digitalkettledigitalkettle Frets: 3861
    Shadow said:
    Another vote for Wolfram. Mine shows no signs of wearing out after a couple of years. A quick rinse under the tap to get rid of any debris and it's as good as new.
    Must be the difference between an etched surface and one where abrasive particles are glued to it.
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  • SupportactSupportact Frets: 1548
    Roland said:
    How long do these last? I tried a glass file about 12 years ago, during an acoustic phase, and it lost its surface within a week or so.
    I got my Wolfram one about 5 years ago and it doesn't seem any different.  Totally worth the money and I like that I'm not using disposable things so much.  
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  • digitalkettledigitalkettle Frets: 3861
    Roland said:
    How long do these last? I tried a glass file about 12 years ago, during an acoustic phase, and it lost its surface within a week or so.
    I got my Wolfram one about 5 years ago and it doesn't seem any different.  Totally worth the money and I like that I'm not using disposable things so much.  
    December 2016 for me...used every few days.
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  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12505
    Roland said:
    How long do these last? I tried a glass file about 12 years ago, during an acoustic phase, and it lost its surface within a week or so.
    in my experience: until you drop them on a tiled floor

    i.e. they don't seem to wear out, but you can break them
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  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12505
    I've used these for a few years, they are brilliant.
    Then I use very fine abrasives to finish off - usually the nail buffers that ladies use to polish their nail surfaces

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  • ESBlondeESBlonde Frets: 3660
    I’ve been very happy with a “diamond” coated nail file with Manicare printed on it. Had it about 6 years and use it at least weekly.
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  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 22318
    ESBlonde said:
    I’ve been very happy with a “diamond” coated nail file with Manicare printed on it. Had it about 6 years and use it at least weekly.
    I have used Manicare 'Saphir/Sapphire' dual sided rough/smooth files for years. They are great, but I can't get them to last as long as yours  :)
    They make glass files too, but having tried both types I find that the old school sapphire abrasive types cut faster, are physically thinner & better for getting under the edges of nails, but the glass ones give a better, smoother finish. So now I have both :-D
    Third world issues eh...?
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  • RolandRoland Frets: 9428
    ESBlonde said:
    I’ve been very happy with a “diamond” coated nail file with Manicare printed on it. Had it about 6 years and use it at least l
    Mine says Scholl. I’ve had it 15 years. We both use it, and it’s doing well. I’ve got a couple of other sapphire files which don’t work as well. Too rough, or wearing out quickly. The Scholl has kept going.
    Tree recycler, and guitarist with  https://www.undercoversband.com/.
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  • AlexlotlAlexlotl Frets: 191
    Ordered a Wolfram one. Don’t mind spending that on something I’ll only buy once, and the book on shaping sounds useful, as I’m clueless. 

    I must say, while I am enjoying hearing my fingerpicking tone improving as my nails grow out, I bloody hate having long nails.
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  • SupportactSupportact Frets: 1548
    Alexlotl said:
    Ordered a Wolfram one. Don’t mind spending that on something I’ll only buy once, and the book on shaping sounds useful, as I’m clueless. 

    I must say, while I am enjoying hearing my fingerpicking tone improving as my nails grow out, I bloody hate having long nails.
    Yes it's a pain. I like to use nails, but also I live in the country and do a lot of work outside and in the garden so it's not practical to have really long nails. I've reached a compromise now where I keep them just long enough to get some fingernail on the string,  but not as long as most classical players. 

    For shaping them,  it's good to try the various recommended shapes and methods but then adapt that as everyone has slightly different shaped hands. 
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  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12505
    Alexlotl said:
    Ordered a Wolfram one. Don’t mind spending that on something I’ll only buy once, and the book on shaping sounds useful, as I’m clueless. 

    I must say, while I am enjoying hearing my fingerpicking tone improving as my nails grow out, I bloody hate having long nails.
    Yes it's a pain. I like to use nails, but also I live in the country and do a lot of work outside and in the garden so it's not practical to have really long nails. I've reached a compromise now where I keep them just long enough to get some fingernail on the string,  but not as long as most classical players. 

    For shaping them,  it's good to try the various recommended shapes and methods but then adapt that as everyone has slightly different shaped hands. 
    I wear those gloves that joiners use when I do DIY or garden work. Keeps my nails lovely.
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