I'm a pretty experienced singer and usually the loudest voice in the room so I don't really have problems with feedback. But recently we've been developing songs where I can display my deep low threatening whisper as sell as my usual wounded elephant bellow and I'd like my whisper to cut through the mix - I'll probably need more gain. I currently use a Beta 58a which I've been happy with but I think the Beta 87a should be an upgrade - but they are not that common and I haven't heard one in a live performance. Anyone got any experience with the 87a? Any better options? Maybe
@maltingsaudio?I'm the only guitarist in the band so I never go wandering off holding the mic - it stays in the stand. We are only playing pubs and small venues and we don't have a sound engineer to ride the faders. I need a mic I can work to get the best out of my performance.
Given how much I've spent on guitars and how little I've spent on mics, I think I should treat myself to both and give them both a proper testing.
It doesn’t like you to wander any more than an inch or so away but once you get used to it there’s not much like it.
Senn e935 is my own mic of choice and I like a full sound but it’s more natural than characterful and may be a bit bloaty in this scenario.
I would first sort these aspects out then think about another mic.
Ebay mark7777_1
I don’t completely disagree with Danny, though. There is other work to do on that vocal but my first impression was that the system sounds underpowered for what you’re asking of it, or possibly just needs turning up so you’re filling the room from well within your vocal comfort zone.
However, stil the Audix
I'll give the Sennheisers a try if the Audix doesn't give me a step up from the Beta58a - but at the moment I can't imagine much improvement. A low output option though - well that's different.
It's not immediately obvious that it is a step up from the Beta58 - but the increased proximity effect does mean that I can work the mic more, getting very close (and much louder) for the quiet singing and backing off a little for my full throttle vocals. And I'm told it is much less noisy than my usual mics even though the gain is whacked right up - not that I can notice. No gigs for a couple of weeks but I'll try to get the same song on video for comparison the next time we are at the same venue.
Thanks to everyone for the replies.