Versatile Fuzzes - what do people like? Thorpy FX Veteran content inside

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Evening all. I've had the ThorpyFX Veteran for a while now, and it strikes me as a pretty versatile fuzz, with the Smooth and Bias controls and the boost in front making it possible to dial in a whole range of stuff from your more typical aggressive tones to smoother tones that I wouldn't necessarily associate with a fuzz pedal..

So what do you like?
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  • slackerslacker Frets: 2330
    I've had a fuzz factory for 20 years. It's the most versatile fuzz ive tried. It's very difficult to use at first but after the first 10 years you get used to it.

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  • ZoolooterZoolooter Frets: 897
    Is that silicon or geranium Veteran? Cheers
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  • benmurray85benmurray85 Frets: 1414
    I too have a Veteran (Si version) and concur that it is bloody brilliant and extremely versatile. At first I never really used the treble boost side, just wasn't my thing but pairing it with the fuzz and using both together is bloody superb. I stack it into a Duellist and its cutting but fuzzy and thick at the same time. 

    I also have a Ge Kingtone Mini Fuzz for shits and giggles, it does something completely different to the Vet, between them I have all my bases covered!
    How very rock and roll
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  • LebarqueLebarque Frets: 4127
    edited May 2020
    Magnetic Effects Black Moon here. Germanium goodness, but with extra control and versatility. 'Vintage modified' I guess. Not that I really use fuzzfaces anymore though tbh. I do fancy trying a tonebender-type though.
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  • I'm currently falling in love with fuzz currently. First fuzz pedal was the Suhr Rufus reloaded octive fuzz. Only chose this one as it was nearby and a fair price. Wow amazing with a strat and the octive is great fun. I think it's based on a fuzzface. 

    Then I got the Thorpyfx Veteran Si. Really a wonderfully veritable pedal with the built-in rangemaster boost which sounds great by itself into an amp on the edge of breakup. 

    Recently I've picked up a Digitech Jimi Hendrix experience pedal which has digital fuzz and it's fun but not quite the same tone as the pedals above. 

    I have another fuzz on the way. Details to follow. 
    Trading feedback -

    flanging_fed “
    A Les Paul, @ThorpyFX ;;Veteran and the 4010 is awesome at volume, it’s like playing Thor’s hammer!” Ref Marshall JCM800 4010 combo 
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  • merlinmerlin Frets: 6938
    Veteran Si is superb. I also have a Field Marshal which is kind of mind-blowing for different reasons. I love Ge and have a MJM London Fuzz (which may be for sale sometime soonish) and a swarm of other fuzzes including a completely bonkers noise making Beetronics Swarm (which may be for sale too if I decide I need more cash....)
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  • BDJohnstonBDJohnston Frets: 18
    edited September 2020
    One of the more versatile I've come across is the Nemesis+ by DPFX (Greece).  I'm doing a review, but below is a demo.  It's long at 10-min, since there's so much to it... but if you skip to the 6-min mark I do some knob tweaking and then use an expression pedal for some freaky stuff.

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  • Got hold of a Dod Carcosa last week. Very versatile, and 'After' and 'High-cut' control gives a wide range of sounds, from low end doomy to more cutting velcro type sounds. The low gain sounds are also impressive. Great fuzz.  
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  • fatherchewielewiefatherchewielewie Frets: 46
    edited February 2021
    Skreddy LMMD and Dr Scientist FD v2.
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  • Mojo Hand FX Zephyr

    If you can find one!
    Don't let your mind post toastee - like a lot of my friends did!
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  • merlinmerlin Frets: 6938
    edited January 2022
    I have a White Atom and a King Tone mini Ge. I've had a Fuzz Factory in the past and I do think they're amazing but I have everything covered with the two above...

    I have a very useable Russian Muff style made by JAM Effects....the Red Muck v2. It's for sale in the classifieds btw. 
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  • JohnCordyJohnCordy Frets: 651
    @Zoolooter it was the silicon! 

    I've more recently settled on a Pete Cornish NG2, which if nothing else is expensive enough that you'll never be able to justify having another fuzz lol..

    @merlin I also had a fuzz factory but I found there was quite a lot of settings that were pretty.....experimental...? And not terribly useful? 

    The Kingtone stuff is great
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  • JonHoskerJonHosker Frets: 401
    Love the Veteran Si, but really can’t fit it on my board. Currently for sale in the classifieds here. 
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  • tone1tone1 Frets: 5320
    I’ve had the both the SI & GE Veteran (twice) but currently only have the GE #51…It’s very old school and I’ve heard people say they’d like more aggression. 

    It’s so 3D & majestic, and has great clarity…but it’s not until you A/B it with something else that you really appreciate it. 

    The sound reminds me of Jeff Beck or Beano driven tone, Early ZZ top or Led Zep….

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  • I really love the Magnetic Effects White Atom. It's got an awesome feature which can dial down the internal voltage to give a nasty spitty effect to the sound. That's nasty on a good way.
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 18329
    tFB Trader
    The FZ-1W is very versatile provided you don't want any super crazy, spitty feedback stuff. It just has a big range of easy to dial in classic fuzz sounds.

    The FZ-2 is by contrast completely bonkers, but versatile in the sense that it has two kinds of doomy, spitting insanity and also a really flexible clean boost.
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  • bad_alicebad_alice Frets: 271
    edited April 29
    Easily distracted and...oooh, look! A guitar!"
    My Trading Feedback can be found here:
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