Fender Tone Master Pro Leaked

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  • NelsonPNelsonP Frets: 3580
    Decent review here. So hard to tell whether these things are genuine or just part of the marketing machine these days...
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TheMarlinTheMarlin Frets: 8904
    edited January 2024
    I worked in advertising before getting into the games industry. 

    All reviews printed are for sale. You cannot trust a review. An advertiser or supplier just has to exert a tiny amount of pressure, and the shiniest turd can gleam like a diamond. 

    In the games publisher side, nothing changed.  While working for one prominent publisher, we would write eight of nine reviews, some long, some short, and pop them on a CD with other digital assets and send them to journalists. 

    They would cut and past the review, change a few words, insert some of the photos we provided, then send it to the magazine and collect their pay check.   If we made it super easy for them, they would use it.  Others, we paid them for a good review. 

    Anything that has ‘Editors pick’ or ‘Note from
    the Editor’ is 100% paid sponsorship. 

    It will be the same for social media. A few mavericks will plough their own path, but the vast majority will take what is given and be more than happy. 

    I’m not saying this item is rubbish.  I likely would never buy the Tonemaster Pro, it’s not my thing.  But if I were in the market, I would trust opinions from people using it on this site over any review. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 8reaction image Wisdom
  • TheMarlin said:
    I worked in advertising before getting into the games industry. 

    All reviews printed are for sale. You cannot trust a review. An advertiser or supplier just has to exert a tiny amount of pressure, and the shiniest turd can gleam like a diamond. 

    In the games publisher side, nothing changed.  While working for one prominent publisher, we would write eight of nine reviews, some long, some short, and pop them on a CD with other digital assets and send them to journalists. 

    They would cut and past the review, change a few words, insert some of the photos we provided, then send it to the magazine and collect their pay check.   If we made it super easy for them, they would use it.  Others, we paid them for a good review. 

    Anything that has ‘Editors pick’ or ‘Note from
    the Editor’ is 100% paid sponsorship. 

    It will be the same for social media. A few mavericks will plough their own path, but the vast majority will take what is given and be more than happy. 

    I’m not saying this item is rubbish.  I likely would never buy the Tonemaster Pro, it’s not my thing.  But if I were in the market, I would trust opinions from people using it on this site over any review. 

    I have to offer some disagreement/balance here. 

    I worked in my formative years on a now out-of-print UK guitar magazine. We obviously relied on advertising to pay the bills BUT made it a point to keep our editorial integrity intact. 

    The line was always 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all' - so you would only very very rarely see anything with a 'bad' review. If it was crap, we didn't bother our readers with it. Something being below average is hardly a fun read or particularly interesting. 

    We undoubtedly lost advertising as a result. But we also weren't running a public service - I don't think it was our 'duty' to call out bad products. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • (And almost everything had a redeeming feature or two!)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Beyond the initial burst of publicity, this thing appears to have completely disappeared from sight.

    Anyone still got one? Has Fender issued any updates?
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • LewyLewy Frets: 4745
    edited February 2024
    Beyond the initial burst of publicity, this thing appears to have completely disappeared from sight.

    Anyone still got one? Has Fender issued any updates?
    I guess they stopped paying people to rave about them. 

    Personally, I just don't trust Fender to stand by this kind of product in the way that the dedicated makers do. I won't even look at it until they've established a track record of support and updates. They've done a firmware update but it's fixes for bugs that arguably shouldn't have been in the shipped product in the first place.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • NerineNerine Frets: 2673
    Beyond the initial burst of publicity, this thing appears to have completely disappeared from sight.

    Amount of people surprised: 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • LebarqueLebarque Frets: 4295
    edited February 2024
    I just think we've just gone back to talking about more important things like valve amps and analogue pedals.
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • I kinda feel for the early adopters who PAID for the unit rather than got gifted one. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I kinda feel for the early adopters who PAID for the unit rather than got gifted one. 
    Are there any of those people?
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I kinda feel for the early adopters who PAID for the unit rather than got gifted one. 
    Are there any of those people?
    That is a good point!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 18830
    tFB Trader

    I have to offer some disagreement/balance here. 

    I worked in my formative years on a now out-of-print UK guitar magazine. We obviously relied on advertising to pay the bills BUT made it a point to keep our editorial integrity intact. 

    The line was always 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all' - so you would only very very rarely see anything with a 'bad' review. If it was crap, we didn't bother our readers with it. Something being below average is hardly a fun read or particularly interesting. 

    We undoubtedly lost advertising as a result. But we also weren't running a public service - I don't think it was our 'duty' to call out bad products. 

    I get the impression that's what a lot of influencers do. They won't risk their reputation by raving about something terrible that they don't like so they just decline to review it.

    Rabea said as much in a recent video where he answered the question "Why are you positive about everything you review?". He basically said he doesn't want to do whinge videos so if he doesn't like it he sends it back.

    Bo Beats the synth reviewer did a round up of things he "declined to review" which was essentially products he thought was shit.

    People won't risk promoting something that doesn't land well. Benn Jordan recently quit doing gear reviews because he recommended something the community thought was a rip off and he got so much backlash for it he just stopped doing gear reviews.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • stilwelstilwel Frets: 20
    edited March 2024
    Beyond the initial burst of publicity, this thing appears to have completely disappeared from sight.

    Anyone still got one? Has Fender issued any updates?
    We literally sold every one that we made in the initial run and are waiting for more to arrive. 

    We've had 3 firmware updates since launch day (last was on 2/15) and we're working on the next one.  Lots of great new features and models on the way.
    FENDER - Scottsdale, AZ
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • stilwelstilwel Frets: 20
    I kinda feel for the early adopters who PAID for the unit rather than got gifted one. 
    Why do you "feel for the early adopters"?  They are loving their TM Pros. 
    FENDER - Scottsdale, AZ
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • stilwel said:
    I kinda feel for the early adopters who PAID for the unit rather than got gifted one. 
    Why do you "feel for the early adopters"?  They are loving their TM Pros. 

    That's certainly my opinion. Incredibly inspiring already and I'm excited to see where it goes.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • chrisj1602chrisj1602 Frets: 4316
    I just watched some of an Andertons video where they compared the TM, Helix etc and I really liked the TM amp sounds…

    It would be nice to see a smaller, cheaper version like the HX Stomp. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • strtdvstrtdv Frets: 2610
    To be honest it's no more expensive than any of its direct rivals. Yes it's got fewer models than some others, but I'll bet the Fender models it has will be really good.

    Robot Lords of Tokyo, SMILE TASTE KITTENS!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • soma1975soma1975 Frets: 7397
    edited April 2024
    TheMarlin said:
    I worked in advertising before getting into the games industry. 

    All reviews printed are for sale. You cannot trust a review. An advertiser or supplier just has to exert a tiny amount of pressure, and the shiniest turd can gleam like a diamond. 

    In the games publisher side, nothing changed.  While working for one prominent publisher, we would write eight of nine reviews, some long, some short, and pop them on a CD with other digital assets and send them to journalists. 

    They would cut and past the review, change a few words, insert some of the photos we provided, then send it to the magazine and collect their pay check.   If we made it super easy for them, they would use it.  Others, we paid them for a good review. 

    Anything that has ‘Editors pick’ or ‘Note from
    the Editor’ is 100% paid sponsorship. 

    It will be the same for social media. A few mavericks will plough their own path, but the vast majority will take what is given and be more than happy. 

    I’m not saying this item is rubbish.  I likely would never buy the Tonemaster Pro, it’s not my thing.  But if I were in the market, I would trust opinions from people using it on this site over any review. 

    Agree with this - I know we've chatted briefly about our experiences around the videogames industry.

    That said there was a glorious halcyon era when PRs just cared about getting the game out there and seen and those were their metrics for success and what you thought of it and said in your publications or videos was up to you and none of their business. Certainly back when I initially worked on videogames TV circa '99-2001 and even in marketing stuff up to around 2010ish - which coincides with the rise of youtube I suppose. At which point the new model came in which feels slimy, even when I am working in it 
    My Trade Feedback Thread is here

    Been uploading old tracks I recorded ages ago and hopefully some new noodles here.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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